1. How can I check if my hard disk is working well?

a) Check the Health screen

Here you will see S.M.A.R.T information which shows the condition of the hard disk.
The status of each parameter should be Ok.
If the parameter is highlited in yellow it means that the parameter almost reached a critical value. At this point it is highly recommended to check this parameter regulary to see if the value becomes worse.
If the parameter is highlited in red it means that the parameter has reached a critical value. In this case you should make a backup of your data and replace the hard disk.

b) Run the Error Scan

There shouldn't be any damaged (red) blocks. If there are you should backup your data and replace the hard disk.

c) Check the temperature

The temperature of the hard disk should not exceed 55°C/131°F. By default HD Tune warns you if the hard disk reaches this temperature.

In this case it's recommended to use a hard disk cooler to extend the life of the hard disk.